This week is a special week because this is the first week of the year after we hit our annual investment goal. At the beginning of each year we set a target amount to invest. We hit that number last week so for the rest of the year these buys are a bonus for us. The buy plan for the week is equal amounts in the following:
BIPC and BEPC are two of my favorite investments. They are both Brookfield Asset Management companies, which is one of the best money managers out there. BIPC is their infrastructure company and BEPC is their renewable energy company. I have been investing in these companies for years and although my cost basis on each is significantly less than the current price, both stocks have come down recently back into reasonable buy zones.
NUSI is the covered call / protective put ETF run by Nationwide. It gives a high yield and has some downside protection built in due to the puts that are sold each month.
BST is my favorite Closed End Fund from Blackrock. It focuses on technology companies and writes covered calls on a portion of the holdings to increase the payout to shareholders. The dividend growth from this fund has been incredible and since inception the fund has beaten the S&P 500.
The average yield received from these buys is 5.04% which is a very solid yield in today’s environment.